The Shaping Hearts Story
Shaping Hearts curriculum began as a project for a local church. Knowing that children’s curriculum could be better, several teachers launched out to write their own. Over time, the writing gravitated to three people – David Holder, Mary Andrews, and Patricia Underwood. The material was written, used in Bible classes, evaluated, and revised. In time, Susan Holder joined the project as a consultant and Jaymi Holland as a graphic designer.
Supplemental materials were developed and added so that all curriculum components for 2s & 3s through 5th grade are fully developed, published, and available. The young teen curriculum project is underway. Several series are complete and available, and more are in production.
The team of writers and editors keep before them a single idea – that if God has people who are His, He must take them from among sinners and help them with the problem of sin … and He did! This team believes the Bible is the inspired word of God and that Jesus is the resurrected Lord and the Savior of all.
As of this date, David Holder continues to write and is the primary editor, Susan Holder, assisted by Marilyn Statum, takes care of printing, publishing, and shipping, and Kelsey Lee is the graphic artist. All members of the Shaping Hearts team are faithful believers and experienced teachers who are working constantly to improve the products and create more materials for effective teaching and learning.